
boy playing with stacking toy

Tobbles is probably one of the best stacking toys we’ve seen so far. There’s no post to fit them on to. One piece fits into the other so easily that there’s no need to take extra care to make sure the piece is in exactly the right position (and need more dexterity than you have). They feel solid, sturdy. They have the kind of heft that feels good in your hand. They each have different properties to explore (each is a different size, a different weight and has a unique wobble when spinned, or rolled, or rocked). So, when your child is ready, there is yet more to discover, more to learn, more reasons to play.

Tobbles NeoThere are two kinds of Tobbles: the standard set depicted above and Tobbles Neo. Tobbles Neo is recommended for children as young as 6 months. The original Tobbles for children 2 and older. The openings on the original Tobbles are smooth. On the Neo, they’re crenelated. Apparently, some babies were especially attracted to putting their mouths into the opening and seeing if they can suck the things onto their faces. You can see where that’d be a fun, innovative way to play. You can also see where there’d be a slight, very slight, but not slight enough chance that someone might choke.

Major Fun awardThe crenelations on the Neo also give little fingers another sensation to play with. We’d have no trouble recommending Tobbles as an investment in major baby fun. If your baby is younger than 2, probably the Neo is the better investment. Even a two- or three-year-old would enjoy sliding their fingers along the bumps.

Tobbles come in what looks like one of those awful, almost impossible to open blister packs. We are especially delighted to let you know that it isn’t one of those awful, almost impossible to open blister pack. It’s an easy to open, and close and open again plastic pack that works so well that older kids will actually enjoy putting the toy back. O, Fatbrain, you are a gift to all playkind.

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