Silly Putty, need I say more?
In deed I need.
Silly Putty is the “…clay-like stuff that bounces and stretches and picks up ink. Of course, now you can get Silly Putty in glow-in-the-dark colors. But it still feels like putty. And it’s still something that is clearly silly. And it’s also something that people can play with for hours. Roll it. Mold it. Bounce it. Consciously. Semiconsciously. Something that embraces playfulness and creativity. Something with enough flexibility, enough controllability, enough tactile complexity to keep the hands busy and the mind free, all day.” (Read more about the executive implications of all this on “Of Kooshballs and Silly Putty“).
I mention the adult-worthiness of Silly Putty because we all know how much fun we had with it when we were kids.
Silly Putty gets a Major FUN Award for exemplifying just about everything I think a toy should be and do.
Here, Courtesy of Silly Putty University are the first three of the Top 50 Silliest Uses for Silly Putty
1 Form Silly Putty into a ball, throw it at the stock market listings and invest in the stock it lifts off the page. — Peter H., Collinsville, Conn.
2 End an unbearable date by making a swollen gland with Silly Putty and excusing yourself because you’re not feeling well. — Judith D., Norwich, Conn.
3 Use Silly Putty as an alternative to cement handprints at Mann’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood for flash-in-the-pan actors. — Charles G., Dallas, Texas