Ring It!

ring it

You know those pat-your-head-and-rub-your-tummy kind of games? Ring It! is kind of that kind, except it’s more like a see-the-match-and-clap-your-hands-and-ring-the-bell-first kind of game. And the fun, she is major in deed.

Ringit_Tin_New_FlatYou get 90 round cards and a bell in a highly portable tin. These cards, as illustrated, have numbers on them that come in different colors. There are also some designs on the edges of the cards, also as illustrated. For the basic game, you get an equal amount of cards (10), put them in a face-down pile, and take turns turning over the top card in your pile and placing it another pile, face-up. If either the color or number match, or if two Ring It! cards show up, you try to be the first to clap and ring the bell. If correct, and first, you get all the cards that are in play. If not, all the cards in play are discarded as well as three of the mistake-maker’s cards.

Then there are “trick cards” that look just like Ring It! cards, except for the small skull of don’t-clapitude.

party-familySpeaking of clapitude, there are variations, O, yes. Maybe instead of the clapping thing you do the rubbing the belly thing, or the fake sneeze thing or the pig squeal. Or you do the thing and then Ring It whenever the borders of the cards match, or when two numbers can be added to make a third number on another card, or when two colors could be mixed to make a third (blue and yellow make green) or, well, you get it – basically, a game that you can make almost impossibly difficult or possibly even more fun than you thought possible.

Major Fun for 2-9 children as young as five-years old and as old as you, at least. Designed by Thierry Denoual from Blue Orange Games.

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