
Release: 8/29/24   | Download:  Enhanced  | MP3

Run Time: 105 min   | Subscribe:  Enhanced  | MP3 | RSS

Mojo in the African American practice of Hoodoo is a prayer in a bag – a spell or charm that can provide protection and good luck… or sometimes the opposite. In this game, Mojo is a card that carries the same kind of mixed blessing. Everyone starts with eight cards and wants to shed as many as they can. If you end the round, you grab the Mojo and hope you’ve created the lowest score. If so, that Mojo is good luck. If not, your score will pay the price.


D: Antoni Guillen
A: Christine Alcouffe
P: Flying Games, 25th Century
3-8 pl | 20-30 min | ages 8+ | MSRP $15 | BGG Entry
Time to teach & learn: 2-3 minutes

Full show notes on all the segments are available at The Spiel.

Music credits include:

Got My Mojo Working | Ann Cole with the Suburbans | the song

Min trollmoj funkar | Peps Person | the song

Mojo Hanna | Little Esther Phillips | the song

Mojo Jojo | Roger L Jackson

Go Monkey Go | Devo | the song

About Stephen Conway

Currently serving as Major Fun. I'm also a writer, filmmaker, game designer, podcaster, and host of The Spiel (

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