
Release: 03/02/2020    Download:  Enhanced  | MP3
Run Time: 33 min    Subscribe:  Enhanced  | MP3 | RSS

How psychic are you? Medium will put you to the test.

Your goal is to create a telepathic bond, a Vulcan mind meld with your partners in the game.

From two words selected, can we come up with a word that connects them on the count of 3-2-1.

The instruments of the game are simple. Just cards and a box. But the game can take you to undiscovered places with each new set of players.

Medium cultivates mystery and magic and feels like a game that would be at home in any Victorian parlour.

Listen in to learn how it conjures Major Fun every time you play!


Official Site  |  BGG 

Designer: Danielle Deley, Lindsey Sherwood, Nathan Thornton

Publisher: Greater Than Games, Stormchaser Games

Artist: Sarah Kelley

2-8 players  15-30 min.   ages 10+   MSRP $20

Time to teach/learn: 3 minutes

For info on the other segments featured on the show, check out the show notes at The Spiel!


Music credits include:

Blondi  | Vilperin Perikunta  | the song

If You Could Read My Mind | Lullaby Players |  the song




About Stephen Conway

Currently serving as Major Fun. I'm also a writer, filmmaker, game designer, podcaster, and host of The Spiel (

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