So, there’s these wooden blocks. Eleven of them to be exact, each a different color. Only we’re playing with just ten, because we’re not feeling “expert” enough yet. And you and I, we’re sitting opposite each other, each of us looking at one side of a two-sided card. My side shows me what I want my side of our block building to look like, yours, yours. Your side of the card is different from mine, and vice, needless to say, versa.
So, we start the digital timer, and, simultaneously, using only that one set of blocks, we each try to build what we see on our side of the card as fast as possible. We can talk to each other, of course. We can laugh, sing, cry, even. As long as we can build the thing, and, in the shortest possible time, your side looks like your side of the card and mine, mine.
And, should it happen that we’re not the only two people playing, when our turn is over we get another turn, only with a different partner, until everyone gets a turn playing with everyone. And when everyone has played with everyone, the game is over, and the fastest pair wins.
Of course, there’s more. There’s playing with all eleven blocks. There’s a point system. There’s this very simple, clever, and surprisingly functional method to make sure that everyone plays with everyone else. And there’s the frustration, and craziness, and the laughing? Oy is there the laughing.
Cleverly crafted, well-designed, primarily cooperative, Major Fun for 3-6 players, ages 8 and up. It’ll take maybe 40 minutes for the whole game. Designed by Inka & Markus Brand, published by Kosmos games, and soon available in the U.S. from Z-Man Games.
Looks like fun. MAJOR!