Release Date: 4/17/2017 | Download: Enhanced | MP3 |
Running Time: 43 min | Subscribe: Enhanced | MP3 | RSS |
Being King is a tough job, especially when your subjects need more land. Some like the forest, others the desert, some even like the swamp. And it’s your job to make sure they all have a place in your realm. To do this, you’ll expand out from your castle, laying dominoes of different types of land, hoping to create the highest scoring tabletop kingdom.
Kingdomino mixes the time tested classic tile laying game with several simple, clever modern twists. Easy enough for kids and families to learn quickly but deep enough to provide a fun challenge every time you play. That’s a surefire recipe for Major Fun! Listen in to our full review of the game and discover why Kingdomino might deserve an honored place on your shelf, too. Kingdomino Blue Orange Games | BGG | Amazon Designer: Bruno Cathala Publisher: Blue Orange 2-4 players 15-20 min. ages 8+ MSRP $20 Music credits include: |