Release: 9/16/2019 | Download: Enhanced | MP3 |
Run Time: 68 min | Subscribe: Enhanced | MP3 | RSS |
Dekalko is a drawing game that is not a drawing game.
Everyone must get others to guess a picture without seeing the picture itself. How you get there requires a quick hand, a pen, and almost no artistic skill. That’s because Dekalko is a tracing game! The lines are right there for you to draw. Which ones are important? Which ones can you leave out? And that’s where the magic of the game begins. You don’t have to draw like a professional artist to learn how to see like one. Listen in to explore the game and learn how Dekalko takes a possible point of stress and turns it into an opportunity for Major Fun. Dekalko Designer: Sébastian Decád, Roberto Fraga Publisher: Happy Baobab Artist: Ian Parovel 3-6 players 30 min. ages 8+ MSRP 25 EUR Time to teach/learn: 5 minutes Music credits include: Trace of You | by Jimmy Rogers | the song Lipstick Traces | by Benny Spellman | the song |