
Release: 5/28/2018    Download:  Enhanced  | MP3
Run Time: 80 min    Subscribe:  Enhanced  | MP3 | RSS

Your team of spies intercepts a secret transmission… 3 words… a code tied to a sequence of numbers. There it is again! Another transmission, but this time with 3 new words.

Can you decipher these words into the proper sequence when the pressure is on? Remember, the other team is listening and trying to unravel your words and your seuqence at the same time!

Decrypto is a wonderful call-and-response party game where the challenge is to come up with clues that are just enough left of center to keep the other team from connecting the dots AND not so crazy that you fool your own team in the process.

The more clues you give, the harder this becomes and the more laughs you’ll have. And that’s a sequence that spells Major Fun!

Listen in for a full review and discussion.


Iello  |  BGG  |  Buy

Designer: Thomas Dagenais-Lespérance   

Artist: Fabien Fulchiron, NILS, Manuel Sanchez

Publisher: Iello

3-8 players  15-45 min   ages 12+   MSRP $20

For info on the Game Sommelier segment featured on the show, check out the show notes at The Spiel!


Music credits include:

I Spy Theme  by  Earle Hagen  |  the song  | the album 

Theme from The Man from UNCLE  by Hugo Montenegrothe song


About Stephen Conway

Currently serving as Major Fun. I'm also a writer, filmmaker, game designer, podcaster, and host of The Spiel (

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