
Cityscape is a unique and elegant strategy game for 2-4 players that is simple enough to learn, quick enough to play, and attractive enough to engage the rapt attention of anyone old enough to appreciate a good game.

Using different size wooden blocks (yes, the game is made of wood, warm, smooth, delicious wood), players take turns building up a skyline. Each player is trying to build her own kind of skyline, one that has the highest building here, and perhaps two buildings of the same height there, and a view of all four buildings over there. The difficulty (and challenge) is that the other players are also trying to build their own kind of skyline, each from his own perspective.

There is just enough luck and deductive reasoning to keep the game interesting, regardless of strategic skill. And just enough depth to keep the strategist deeply fascinated. I know of no other game like it. And like it I do. Enough to give it a major Major FUN Award.

Oddly enough, Cityscape is published by Out of the Box. The same Out of the Box that publishes the FunDay Times within which appears, on a daily basis, the writings of Bernie DeKoven, aka “Major Fun,” aka me. “Mightn’t this,” one might be tempted to wonder, “impugn the impartiality of this review?” It is with great relief and unimpeachable objectivity that I herewith reassure one and all that the Major knows a good game when he plays one, regardless of who manifests the perspicacity required to publish what. And, in further fact, if Out-of-the-Box hadn’t already been publishing so many Major FUN Award-worthy games, it is unlikely that he would have ever agreed to be associated with the aforementioned in this or any manner.

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